Goal: Be more adventurous.

I have never been a fan of pairing long tops with long bottoms. Like a long shirt and a skirt. I always hated that and thought it looked terrible. The proportions are off, ya know? Yet, on Friday I thought I would be a little adventurous. (It probably helped that I was going out with Sara and she always looks cute, so I wanted to try too.) I put a long shirt over my plain black dress and then a cardigan on top. Usually I get dressed without looking in the mirror and then when I see my outfit I have a screaming voice inside my head saying, "TOTALLY NOT AS GOOD AS YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE!" Yet, there was no voice on this outfit. Then, when I put the belt on, it was completed. I felt so good in this outfit! Totally comfortable, yet fashionable. I can't wait until I am at my goal weight and I can be much more adventurous with my clothes.


Katie Baba Nielson said...

i really like your blog and am happy i found it! i'm adding some of your stuff to my christmas list! you're work is amazing!


jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

hello i am new to your blog-- refered to by the daybook. and im so happy i was! :) now following! xoxo jcd

Amy said...

Hi! I'm a new follower, sent your way via The Daybook! You are adorable!!
P.S. here's me ->

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'm Kristin. Nice to meet you! Second of all, I too have never been a fan of wearing long shirts with skirts. Dare I try this challenge? I think I just might.....

Alanah said...

Hi new friends! SO glad you are here!