I am participating in another craft fair! This one is going to be incredibly different than any other one I have been a part of. The idea started out between Bethany and her friend Sara to have a craft fair and donate part of the proceeds to help people in Haiti. Since then, it has turned into something bigger than either of them imagined! Bethany found the organization they wanted to donate to, called Giving Children Hope. The organization owner has since been really helpful to Bethany. She has contacted the Fox 11 News and OC Register, and both have said they are coming to the event! Also, she found a Haitian band that is willing to perform for free at the event. We are expecting at least 300 people!! Friends, I feel like this is going to be an amazing night to be a part of, and I would love for every one of you to be there with me. This is truly an event that has fallen together by the power of God, and it is going to be amazing to see the community working together for a good cause. We are having a raffle as well, with a ton of prizes, most of which were donated from large organizations who also wanted to be a part of this. 100% of the raffle sales go towards Haiti, and 50% of the proceeds from sales go towards Haiti! So, even if you can't come, buy a raffle ticket! It's only $5 and you will be helping a great organization.

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