Stockin' up.

I have had such an overwhelming response from my giveaway on The Daybook. Everyone loves those honey cowls! I realize after making so many that they are super warm and cozy and perfect for winter when you don't want to put a scarf on and wrap it around a million times because you can layer this one with anything like jackets or sweaters or mittens or earmuffs and it will keep you warm the whole day and isn't that just the greatest thing ever with this cold winter we are having?! What, you don't like run on sentences? Maybe this won't work out after all.

I think after all these orders are done I will make a cowl for myself.


ilene @ muchloveilly said...

haha you should totally make a cowl for yourself, girl!! i'm curious to know what color you choose for yourself... ;)

be sure to share a pic with us!!